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Showing articles from Chromebook tag

What are the Chromebook Shortcut Keys

# _**Chromebook Shortcut Keys**_ # You can use keyboard shortcuts to complete some tasks more quickly on Chromebooks. You can jump to the following sections if you don't want to scroll through the entire article * **[Popular][1]** * **[Tabs and Windows][2]** * **[Page & Web Browser][3]** * **[System & Displ…

Enabling the Blue Light Filter on Your Chromebook

_**Blue Light Filter on Chromebook**_ If you wish to change the blue light filter on your D11 Chromebook please follow the steps outlined below. * Start off by opening the menu by clicking in the bottom right corner of the screen on your Chromebook ![][1] * In the menu that opens find the **"Settings" **icon a…

How to by Bypass the Chromebook Unlock and Restore Data Error Message

_**Chromebook Unlock and Restore Data Error Message**_ If you see a message on your D11 Chromebook that looks similar to **"[email protected] To unlock and restore your local data, please enter your old Chromebook password"**. You will need to complete these few steps to get logged in. * Just below the box…

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